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What is Biofield Tuning

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Biofield Tuning, founded by Eileen McKusick, is a non-invasive wellness practice and sound therapy that focuses on the biofield—the electrical system within our bodies and the magnetic field that surrounds them. This technique aims to induce deep relaxation, enhance clarity, and promote increased flow within your body's electrical system. 

When you are fully charged having free flow of biophotons in your field, you radiate the most authentic and abundant expression of your whole being.

Understanding Biofield Within the Biofield is the cloud that stores memories, beliefs, physical or emotional injuries, and all we have experienced to this day. That is what surrounds our body and we experience our life through the filter of this cloud—the Biofield. As we live, we constantly create waveforms associated with every experience. When we experience things which we perceive as pleasant, coherent and regulated waveforms are formed. On the other hand, when we experience something stressful or traumatic, we create distorted and incoherent waveforms. Those waveforms, generated by the corresponding experiences, then disseminate off the body.  A simple analogy is your voice. Compare the voice when you are well with the voice when you are unwell. Your voice will sound differently in terms of its amplitude (the volume of the sound) and timbre (the tone, profile, or character of the sound). The differences can be visualized exactly in waveforms if we record. When you are happy, healthy, and inhale fully, your voice projects well and clearly. What would your voice sound like when you have a stuffy nose, sore throat, or feel angry, sad, frustrated, or if you didn’t take a deep breath in? Your voice will inform the condition you are in physically, mentally, and emotionally, which is always true and precise. According to the Biofield Tuning Biophoton Hypothesis, we discharge more biophotons when we are under stress. You can think of biophotons as particles of life force or energy or light. Not only do we discharge more biophotons when we experience stress, our body expresses those stressors in various irregular patterns of waveforms in the field. These irregular patterns of waveforms result in creating trapped or tangled up biophotons which can impact your whole being on multitudes of levels to various degrees. Imagine what your body’s expression would be like when you are constantly draining your biophotons and carrying trapped frequency patterns here and there in the field.


How does Biofield Tuning work? Biofield Tuning works using the resonance and entrainment of vibrations. The basic theory here is that all matter on this planet is vibrating constantly, even the ones that may seem stationary, invisible or intangible, each having its own unique patterns of vibration. As we co-exist, we resonate next to or with each other, influencing one another. Tuning forks create stable and coherent patterns of vibrations. When a tuning fork is inserted into the field, it resonates with the frequency patterns of the person and broadcasts the feedback. That is what a Biofield Tuning practitioner listens to. The biofield holds the record of the person’s life stories and stores them in a chronological order, starting from the edge of the field moving in towards the body—the present moment. A practitioner locates the areas of “dissonance” in the field by picking up the feedback from the tuning fork. At places in the timeline where the person had pleasant experiences, the fork will find no resistance and will give a clear sound. Whereas, at places in the timeline where the person underwent difficult times, it produces the feedback corresponding to the experience. In such cases, the practitioner will pick up the stickiness or resistance in the field that resists the fork to move forward. By providing a coherent pattern of vibration directly into those places, the vibration from the fork begins to entrain the incoherent patterns into a more coherent pattern. This is how the coherent pattern of tuning fork’s vibration untangle the trapped biophotons. With the coherent frequency, a tuning fork also acts as a magnet and collects the discharged biophotons, guiding them back into the body.

In short, untangling of the biophotons enhances the conductivity of electricity in your body and the collecting of the biophotons charges the body with electricity. These processes assist in the release of stress and traumas from the body, restoring balance and energy in your body. 
When you are fully charged having free flow of biophotons in your field, you radiate the most authentic and abundant expression of your whole being. 

What are reported benefits?


Many clients report that they feel a sense of relief, deep relaxation, feel lighter, more present or energized after the session. In Biofield Tuning, we consider that when we take care of the field, our body has the intelligence to make the adjustments accordingly, which may extend to the physical, mental, or emotional aspects of our being. 
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If you're curious about the behind-the-scenes of Biofield Tuning from a practitioner’s viewpoint, please read on...

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